Did you know ProArts Playhouse has a new box office phone number?

ProArts Has New Box Office Phone Number, Effective Immediately


ProArts, Inc.'s new box office and information phone number is 808-463-6550 (please note that it is only one digit different from their original phone).

This is information you'll want to know when making reservations for the final weekend of Greater Tuna. Here's the 411 on the latest ProArts play from MauiTime's Da Kine Calendar:

ProArts Presents “Greater Tuna” - Fri, Sat and Sun through June 12. Final weekend! A cast of just two welcomes you to Tuna, Texas—where the population is small, but the personalities are big. Starring Tom Althouse and Jonathan Lehman. A play by Jaston Williams, Joe Sears and Ed Howard. Directed by Doug Kendrick. Contains some mild adult content. $15/ $20. 7:30pm Friday & Saturday. 3pm Sunday. ProArts Playhouse, Azeka (Makai) Shopping Center, 1280 South Kihei Rd., Kihei; 808-463-6520; www.proartspacific.com