Roller Derby exhibition TONIGHT 5pm Kahului

Roller Derby Exhibition
5 pm Central Maui Boys and Girls Club basketball courts, Kanaloa Ave.
Bring a picnic, bring the kids, and come have some fun!  

  Have you ever seen roller derby played? It's fast and furious, lots of contact and some confusion - and the Maui Rollergirls want to give you the inside scoop so you know what the heck you're cheering for. The Maui Rollergirls are scrimmaging tonight at 5pm on the basketball courts behind the Central Maui Boys and Girls Club - and the public is invited to this free, family friendly event. Instead of the usual 1 hour bout, they will have shorter exhibition jams - taking the time to stop and take questions, explain the plays and the strategy behind them, and demonstrate why Maui's roller derby team remains undefeated.

  Meet the team, buy a shirt with the infamous "slippah skate" logo, talk to us about sponsorship opportunities for this new non-profit, and support a group of women that are traveling around the country to compete, and also bringing tremendous derby talent here to Maui.

  Roller Derby is the fastest growing sport in the world. It is experiencing what some might call a renaissance, but we call it a revolution.

  Please feel free to forward this message :)
Maui Roller Girls on facebook